Experience Relief, Embrace Life

Endometriosis Surgery

Experience top-tier endometriosis surgery in Finland, renowned for its advanced medical expertise and patient-centric care. Skilled surgeons utilize cutting-edge techniques to alleviate pain and restore fertility, ensuring personalized treatment plans for each patient.

With state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to holistic wellness, Finland offers seamless pre-operative guidance, minimally invasive procedures, and comprehensive post-operative support. International patients benefit from convenient travel arrangements and accommodation assistance, making their journey towards healing smooth and stress-free. Choose Wellnify’s services for precision care, compassionate expertise, and a renewed quality of life.

Why you should choose Wellnify and Finland for Endometriosis Treatments:

  1. Expertise: Finland offers high-quality medical care with skilled surgeons experienced in endometriosis treatment.

  2. Advanced Technology: Finnish hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

  3. Patient-Centered Care: Finland is known for its patient-centered approach, ensuring individualized care and support throughout the treatment journey.

Wellnify’s Patient Journey Overview:

  1. Consultation: International patients undergo a thorough evaluation by a specialist to assess their condition and discuss treatment options. Medical files are translated and sent to the doctor in advance. A medical translator will be helping with translations in the online meeting with the doctor. Fertility treatments can be arranged before the surgery e.g. freezing of embryos.

  2. Preparation: Prior to surgery, patients receive detailed instructions on pre-operative care and necessary tests. We will arrange a care team member speaking the same language as the patient to accompany to the on-site appointment to ensure there are no culture or language barriers.

  3. Surgery: Endometriosis surgery in Finland is performed by experienced surgeons using minimally invasive techniques whenever possible to reduce recovery time and complications. The surgery is mainly arranged as day surgery and the patient can be safely discharged from hospital on the same day they are admitted.

  4. Recovery: Patients receive comprehensive post-operative care, including pain management and guidance on resuming normal activities.

Note: We cannot guarantee that the patient will be cured of all diseases after the treatment, however we believe that the Finnish hospitals and medical experts represent the best option. We do not accept all customers before consulting with our medical partners. The surgeon will make the final decision wether or not the patient is operable during the preparation appointment.

How to get started?

Book your private consultation including assessment of medical needs by medical experts, detailed treatment plan and personalised travel itinerary by contacting us or by making an order: