Finnish Fertility Treatments: Your Journey to Parenthood

Fertility Care

Our services encompass IVF, embryo freezing, and specialized endometriosis surgery. We provide tailored, care that recognizes the challenges of your fertility journey. The team of experts employs cutting-edge technology to enhance your chances of conception. Whether you're exploring in vitro fertilization, preserving embryos for the future, or addressing endometriosis, we are here to guide you.

Experience fertility care in a supportive, patient-focused environment. With impressive success rates, patient-centered support, and access to cutting-edge research, we're your partner in making dreams of family come true.

Why you should choose Wellnify and Finland for Fertility Treatments:

  1. High Success Rates: our partnering clinics boasts impressive success rates for fertility treatments, including in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other assisted reproductive technologies, making it a top choice for you to start or expand your family.

  2. Cutting-Edge Technology: Wellnify partners with fertility clinics that are equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology, ensuring you to have access to the latest advancements in reproductive medicine.

  3. Experienced Specialists: Wellnify works with highly skilled and experienced reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, and fertility experts who provide individualized care and personalized treatment plans.

  4. Patient-Centered Care: Wellnify places a strong emphasis on patient wellbeing and comfort, and we ensure our partner’s supportive and compassionate care throughout the fertility treatment journey.

  5. Privacy and Confidentiality: as a Finnish company, Wellnify upholds stringent privacy laws, ensuring the confidentiality of your sensitive medical information.

  6. Holistic Support: Wellnify works with clinics that offer comprehensive support services, including counseling, nutritional guidance, and psychological support to address the emotional aspects of fertility treatment.

  7. Short Waiting Times: our patients typically experience minimal wait times for consultations, tests, and treatments, allowing you to begin your fertility journey sooner.

  8. World-Class Research: Finland is at the forefront of reproductive medicine research, offering our patients to access to the latest breakthroughs in fertility treatments.

  9. Quality of Life: The high living standards and clean environment in Finland contribute positively to your overall wellbeing when undergoing fertility treatments.

  10. Accessibility: with Wellnify you have easy access to a range of fertility treatments and services.

  11. Regulatory Standards: our partners adhere to strict regulatory standards, ensuring the safety and quality of fertility treatments.

  12. Post-Treatment Support: After successful fertility treatments, Wellnify provides support to you during pregnancy and beyond, helping you to achieve a successful and healthy pregnancy.

  13. Positive Legal Framework: Finland's legal framework is supportive of fertility treatments, so Wellnify is able to provide options also for single females and all-female couples.

How to get started?

Book your private consultation including assessment of medical needs by medical experts, detailed treatment plan and personalised travel itinerary by contacting us or by making an order: